I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Grinnell College. I am passionate about knowledge acquisition and spreading, and I am a true believer in the power of diversity and cooperative learning.
- In the news: Dr. Eliott was awarded the prestigious Harris Faculty fellowship,
- 5 Questions With Fernanda Eliott
- Fernanda Eliott Named Scialog Fellow
- Exploring Artificial Intelligence and Machine
- An Interview with Fernanda Eliott, #Tapia2021 Student Posters Deputy Chair
My research vision is to understand where meaningful decisions come from and to use this knowledge to enhance human-technology partnerships through the development of AI systems that promote inclusion and assist people. My research aligns with my background in computer science, cognitive science, and philosophy and has applications across domains. For more information about my research, visit ELBICA Research Laboratory (my email: eliottfe@grinnell.edu)
I completed my Postdoc training at Vanderbilt University. There, I was a Data Science Institute (DSI) postdoctoral fellow affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I was a member of the AIVAS lab (Artificial Intelligence and Visual Analogical Systems), the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-intensive Astrophysics (VIDA), and the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation.
I earned my Ph.D. degree and my Master’s in Sciences (Artificial Intelligence) from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA, Brazil), AIRGroup (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Group); and my Bachelor’s and Licentiate’s degree in Philosophy (USP, University of São Paulo).
Research Interests:
- Cognitively Inspired Computational Approaches.
- Reinforcement Learning.
- Moral Decision-making.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Visual Data Exploration.
I am genuinely thankful to my mentors Dr. Kunda, Dr. Strassun, Dr. Stroud, and the Data Science Institute (DSI).